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As the world seemingly becomes smaller with the ease of travel and the proliferation of technology and the internet, people are becoming exposed more cultures and ideas than ever before. With this rise of information, comes comparison. While comparison has always been a factor, the growth of available information and exposure, has made social comparison even more prominent in people’s lives. This social comparison has become very prevalent in “measuring happiness”, as people are increasingly determining where they stand in comparison to those who they view on social media. However, this is not the only way people may “measure” their happiness. People’s backgrounds and upbringing also have a unique impact on how they view happiness, shaping what they focus on and how they think about and experience life events. While this isn’t directly impacted by the world becoming smaller through technology, these factors are still instrumental in determining how people view an experience happiness and also in turn contribute to comparison as more information about other cultures and ideas is available. 

There are different perspectives on measuring happiness and there are methods of measurement which can paint a more positive light on one’s life experience. The interviewees of "Measuring Happiness" come from all different backgrounds and cultures, each bringing a different view to the table.


This documentary is the embodiment of my exploration on the topic of measuring happiness, as I strive to learn about what happiness means to different people. It is my hope that this collection of experiences will inspire others to think about how they measure happiness and how they could potentially make a positive change in their own lives. I have attached resources to topics interviewees breach in the documentary to a page with resources. This will allow viewers to continue their explorations based on their interests. I hope that the impact of this documentary will reach beyond the video and into peoples’ lives. 

Further Interests & Hopes

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